hello monday

It was a busy week around here and, dare I say, somewhat normal.

Jake and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary on Wednesday. That seems crazy to me. It feels like yesterday, yet also like it was twenty-five years ago. šŸ˜‰ I can still remember the day and the excitement of starting our life together. And we’ve been through so many things over the years, good and bad, and it’s taken a long time to get to this point. I can only imagine what our future might hold.

We didn’t do anything major to celebrate. Just Applebee’s takeout with the kids that night. And my mom brought over some mini cupcakes and ice cream for us. We’re talking about heading north in the fall for a weekend, which sounds glorious since fall is my favorite season.

Our girl started her senior year of high school on Tuesday, which looked completely different than years past. She said it was kind of depressing. Everyone wearing masks, not able to hang out with friends by lockers (not even allowed to use lockers this year), can’t eat in the cafeteria together, no congregating in the halls or outside in the parking lot after school. No football (it’s been postponed until spring, which is so weird). No spirit week or homecoming game/dance. None of those usual beginning of the school year kind of things that are memorable moments, especially senior year. But we are just very thankful that she’s able to have in-person learning with her teachers and get to see her classmates. Praying for the health and safety of all the students and that there are no outbreaks that cause the school to close again.

We also moved our boy back to college this week. On one of the hottest days this month. I totally melted going up and down the stairs with my mask-covered face. It was so humid that it was just overall hard to breathe when exerting ourselves anyway. So the mask didn’t help. But we got it done, and I know he’s super happy to be back on campus after coming home for Spring Break in March and never returning. It’s his junior year already. The majority of his classes are online, but he does have one in-person class that has a lab. He’s starting to get into the classes that really apply to his major now, which is exciting for him.

Having both of them back in school, along with Chloe now having a job, is definitely giving us that “back to normal” feeling. It’s been the four of us stuck in this house together for months, so I think it will take a little while to get used to actually having a quiet space again. šŸ˜‰ I’m thankful for my kids and the time I have with them, for sure. But an empty house is good sometimes too.

After our busy week, I went out to my parents’ farm with my laptop and sat on their porch to edit my upcoming book, More Than a Billionaire. It was a beautiful day. The bluest blue skies with puffy white clouds. Highs in the low 70’s. Perfect. I really spent most of the time chatting with my mom, but I did get a little editing done on one chapter and Mom let me talk out another chapter that I thought I might need to add.

A FREE eBOOK for you!

Another fun thing on the writing front this week … my billionaire bodyguard novella, Lawfully Secure, is now FREE if you sign up for MY NEWSLETTER. It’s only for a limited time, so if you’ve been thinking about subscribing, now’s a great time. CLICK HERE to sign up. Once you verify, you’ll receive a welcome email with instructions to log in to the readers only area of my website and there you will find the link to download Lawfully Secure for FREE!

Happy reading!

the last days of summer

It’s always hard for me to keep up online during the summer months. I’m sure it’s the same for a lot of you, busy with summer things. And with all that’s going on in the world right now, it’s healthier for me and my sanity to stay away sometimes and just focus on family, friends, and writing my books. And that’s what I’ve been doing the past couple weeks. I’ve chosen not to worry about missing a couple blog posts and newsletters to give my brain some time to rest and let me breathe and reset a little. I’ve relaxed around the house, finished watching Jane the Virgin for the second time through, stayed up late with my family to watch the Perseid meteor shower, went to the beach with my bestie, went school shopping with Mom and the kids, took some gymnastics senior pictures of our girl, worked on my upcoming book, and didn’t worry about all the posts I hadn’t shared.

I often put a lot of pressure on myself to do things the way I think they’re supposed to be done based on what I see other people doing, and right now, I’m really wanting to just be me and do things my way. And I think that’s okay. I think it’s better than ok, really.

I’ve found that I definitely have seasons where I want to share a lot and seasons where my attention is elsewhere. And I appreciate you following along with me through all of them. šŸ™‚

We’re coming up on the start of school for both our high school senior and our college junior. It’s going to be a strange school year, for sure, and I’m hoping and praying for the best. In the meantime, I’ll soak up the last days of summer while I start to feel the excitement stirring for fall, my favorite season of them all.

hello, monday

The past couple of weeks have been perfect to step away from social media. A break is good every once in a while for peace of mind. And with editing my latest book, itā€™s been good timing.

A lot of fun things have happened. An Olive Garden to-go date at the airport viewing park. We got to see a plane take off and a plane land while we enjoyed our favorite meals from one of my favorite restaurants. Iā€™ve missed Olive Garden so. šŸ™‚

We celebrated my birthday belatedly at my parentsā€™ farm with burgers and brats and birthday cupcakes. Itā€™s always nice to sit on the porch and visit and watch the Amish neighbor kids walk by. My brother also set up some hay bales for Chloe to practice parallel parking for her driving test so she can get her license soon. The coronavirus put a delay on that, and sheā€™s excited to hopefully get it soon.

Also in Chloe news, she got her first job! Sheā€™ll be working at a local coffee shop, one of our favorite places, and sheā€™s super excited about that.

This past weekend, we traveled across the state to Jakeā€™s parentsā€™ house for a little Christmas in August celebration. His parents are snowbirds, so they are down south each year during the holidays now, and we had such a fun time (the first time we’ve been together since last fall). Good meals and good conversation.

The weather was glorious and the sky totally clear, which was perfect for a little stargazing. We were hoping to see a few meteors since weā€™re coming up on the peak of the Perseid meteor shower, and we did end up seeing a few both nights. And our niece, Scarlett, got to see her very first shooting star, which she was very happy about. šŸ™‚ I love stargazing and hope to get outside this week for the peak nights. The best night is supposed to be the night of the 11th into the 12th.

After our lovely weekend, we had a not so lovely thing happen on the drive home. About thirty minutes into our drive, one of my tires started losing pressure. Thank God for sensors in cars these days that alert us to such things. We got to the nearest gas station before it lost all air and Jake discovered a nail had somehow pierced the inner sidewall of my tire. It was in such a weird place and sticking out like someone had hammered it in. Who knows how I hit that thing to get it to fly up and stick in that way. If you want to see a picture, hop over to my INSTAGRAM. You’ll also see a video (blurry vid taken by my daughter) of a glorious sunflower field we passed as we drove all the way home on a spare donut tire at 45-50 mph. What normally takes 2.5 hours, took 5. But the sunflower field made it worth it. Sort of. šŸ˜‰

How has your August been so far? I’d love to hear.

the beginning of Krista Noorman, Author

Did I always want to be a writer? I don’t think I consciously made that decision, but writing was a constant in my life, mostly in the form of diaries and journals, with the occasional short story or poem or song lyrics. I don’t know what caused me to want to document my life in that way, but from the time I was about ten years old, that’s what I did. I wrote down the silly everyday things, wrote my first name with a boy’s last name behind it and drew lots of hearts when I had crushes, wrote for hours to get down all the details of a fun youth group event or trip, wrote my feelings – the happy, the sad, the hurt, the ups and downs, wrote about married life and the every day stuff of raising kids.

Along the way, journaling by hand became less and less, especially with the busyness of life, my wedding photography business, the kids, etc. and my documenting changed. I started scrapbooking a few years before Zach was born, and that became a different way to tell my stories. But I rarely made time to sit down and write about the everyday anymore. And I missed writing. It felt like I had all these experiences and memories trapped inside my head, all bottled up, and they needed to be let out.

So I began to type in a file on my computer. Because I’ve played the piano since I was eight, I have great hand/eye coordination and I can type much faster than I can handwrite, which meant getting a bunch of my stories out of my head and onto the page. I had done a little bit of this when we got our first desktop computer when stationed in Germany (Jake was in the Army in our early married years), so it was nice to get back to it.

And since I brought up that first desktop computer in Germany, I should mention that this was when I wrote my first novel. It was a little story about a girl at her youth group’s summer camp, and I never did anything with it. It was silly and romantic and based on some of my own camp experiences. But that was the first time I sat down and actually wrote a book. So I knew I had it in me.

Ten years later, my husband participated in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) for the first time. The point of this month-long writing event that takes place every November is to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. It sounded like a fun challenge, and in 2008, I decided I would try. I was deep in wedding photography editing at the time after several fall weddings, and I had an idea for a story about a heartbroken wedding photographer who was always the photographer, never the bride. I went for it. And it was the most fun I ever had. I fell in love with the process and couldn’t wait to sit down to my computer every evening and see where my characters took me. And I did it! I completed the first draft of that novel in November 2008.

The following October, my husband asked if I was going to do NaNoWriMo again, and I said no. I didn’t have another idea, and I thought I had already met that goal so I didn’t care to do it again. But not long after, I was driving my kids to school and started thinking about this story idea I’d had years before about a girl with a friend nobody else could see but her. Was he real? Was he an imaginary friend? That sort of thing. I let my mind wander and thoughts and ideas formed until I was really excited about an updated version of this idea with a twisty ending, and I decided to go for it once again! And I finished my second NaNoWriMo novel first draft.

And then I did nothing. For four years. I didn’t write another novel during NaNoWriMo. And like my first summer camp story, those stories sat on my computer collecting virtual dust. šŸ˜‰

Around that time, I had become burned out on wedding photography. The editing process took so much time away from my family when my kids were young, and I always felt like I was missing out. So I decided to step back from that, not really knowing what I was going to do next.

And then my ex-fiancĆ©’s brother took his own life. When I look back now, I believe this was what woke me up and made me realize that life can change in an instant. It can blindside you. And it’s so short. I had been going through the motions of life for a while, not being fully present, just floating along. God gives us a set number of days, and I didn’t want to waste mine. And when I thought about what it was that brought me the most joy in recent years, writing my novels was the very clear answer.

So, I opened up the file for the “imaginary friend” story first (even though I wrote it second) because I truly believed God had given me that story and inspired me to write it, and I loved that little story so much. It was the one that brought tears to my eyes while writing it, so I decided to begin editing and see where it took me.

When I was happy with it, I let Jake, my mom, my mom-in-law, and my sister-in-law read it. My mom loved it, of course, but I thought, “Well, she’s my mom. She’s biased.” šŸ™‚ And then my mother-in-law read it and she basically told me if I didn’t look into getting it published, she would kick my butt. LOL! My sister-in-law told me she was reading it on an airplane and she had to put it down because she started crying while seated next to a stranger. And then Jake read it. And he came downstairs after finishing it with tears in his eyes and told me it was really good and I needed to do something with it.

So I did. I began researching how to get a literary agent, etc. but the idea of receiving a whole bunch of rejections didn’t sound appealing. At all. So I looked into self-publishing, found Amazon’s self-publishing platform, and the rest is history.

That first book became The Truth About Drew. My wedding photographer book became Goodbye, Magnolia. And I have gone on to write and publish nine more novels with three more on the way as of the date of this post. And many more planned for the future.

This is my joy. Writing stories, sharing them with you, connecting with readers. And most importantly, using this gift God has given me.

If you’d like to learn more about the books I’ve written, you can find them all on my AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE HERE.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this little peek into the beginning of my writing life. šŸ™‚

hello, monday

So ā€¦ I turned 47 last Monday. And Iā€™m not sad about it. When I look back on my life, I feel like Iā€™ve done so much and itā€™s taken so long to get to this point. Iā€™m excited for what is ahead in the next 47 years. šŸ˜‰

The highlight of my week was my camping trip to Michiganā€™s Upper Peninsula with my best friend, Jen. You can see a bunch of pictures on my INSTAGRAM HERE!

This was our 16th annual trip, and it was definitely Sweet 16. Our adventures began in the summer of 2005 in St. Ignace and have taken us all over our beautiful state, especially to Upper Peninsula destinations. And Iā€™m so thankful for 40+ years of friendship with Jen and our mutual love of Michigan and camping adventures!

We stayed at Van Riper State Park on Lake Michigamme. This is one of our favorite state parks, and weā€™ve been there THREE times in the past couple of years. Jenā€™s been there one more time with her family as well. Itā€™s such a nice location between places like Marquette, Houghton, and the Porcupine Mountains. And this time around, we discovered that Bond Falls was only like an hour from our campsite too. Neither of us had ever been there, but she mentioned it last time we were in the U.P. and we decided this was the trip we would find them and see what they were all about. And they were amazing with a great viewing area and also hiking trails along the sides. So much fun!

We also decided to check out the northern point of the peninsula in nearby Lā€™Anse. It was a dirt road and ended up becoming more of a two-track trail, which we braved in her minivan. We were laughing our way through it, trying not to get stuck in the mud puddles, and never did go all the way to the end of the road. But we did get to a really nice spot with a stone beach and a view of the point. It was a fun little adventure we didnā€™t expect. That tends to happen to us. LOL!

This is the best Iā€™ve felt since all this coronavirus happened. It was so refreshing and rejuvenating to get away and just be outside, enjoying nature. Despite the 90 degrees with crazy humidity. šŸ˜‰ Spent some time at the lake, cooked our meals over the open fire, got ice cream. It was just a wonderful vacation.

I hope you have found something during this strange time that brings you joy and peace and calm too. Getting out of the normal routine is so good for the soul. Have an amazing week!

hello, monday

Hello, all! Iā€™m determined to make this a happy Monday because ā€¦ well, I had a reeeeally bad Friday. Not that anything horrible happened, but I woke feeling a little off, went for a walk with my mom, then spent an hour bagging up junk from our garage to finish filling the big olā€™ 10 yard dumpster we rented for our house/basement/garage cleanup. It was very hot out, and I was exhausted, and letā€™s just say that I donā€™t do well when you combine extreme heat and cleaning up other peopleā€™s messes. Everything annoyed me. Everyone annoyed me. And when I went out later in the day, it seemed every driver on the road decided that was the day they would pull out in front of me or some other dumb driving move, and then I became so annoyed that I was the jerk driver who pulled out in front of someone else. Needless to say, I did not like the person I was that day. LOL!

It has been a long time since I had a day where I felt that grumpy.Ā I think maybe 2020 is getting to me a little bit too. šŸ˜‰

Thankfully, I woke the next day feeling a little better. It was also my parentsā€™ 49th anniversary and my cousin Tylerā€™s wedding in Indiana. So those were things that made it a happier day.

Besides my grumpy day, the rest of the week was good. I wrote a new Chapter One for my novel because I wasnā€™t really happy with the first draft, and I like it so much more. I also decided to watch the last two seasons of Jane the Virgin on Netflix. I had gotten behind at one point and was happy to see the final season was on there. Binged that over the course of a week and love how it all turned out in the end. Itā€™s such a silly, soap-y show (on purpose), but the relationships between the characters, especially Jane and her mom and grandma, are just so wonderful and often bring me to tears. And Jane is a romance novel writer, so I relate to her in that way. šŸ™‚

As I mentioned, my cousin Tylerā€™s wedding was Saturday. My mom and I traveled to Indiana and spent the evening with my dadā€™s side of the family, celebrating Tyler and Lilyā€™s special day. They were supposed to get married in late May, but because of COVID, they decided to postpone. And they ended up choosing the same day my parents got married so that was fun. It was a small, beautiful wedding at a lovely farm with the reception in a big old barn all decorated up with strings of lights. The best part was just being with family and catching up. I don’t get to see my cousins very often, and some I have not seen in quite a while, so it was wonderful to see them again. My grandpa even came for a bit too, and it’s always good to see him.

Itā€™s so strange to attend an event like that and wear masks and social distance, but it was handled really well, and we did our part and wore masks when close to others inside and sanitized our hands and such. It was nice to have most of it be outside and in the barn with the doors wide open, so not really in an enclosed space. And what a lovely location for a wedding. I shared several pictures and a couple videos over on MY INSTAGRAM if youā€™d like to see more than the ones Iā€™m sharing in this post.

It was a lovely end to the week, and we’re so happy God brought Lily into Tyler’s life, and so excited to welcome her into our family. They are the sweetest couple. šŸ™‚

Have a wonderful week!

hello, monday

Good morning, friends! How was your week? It was a hot one here. In the 90s and humid daily. We finally had some rain this weekend, which knocked the humidity levels down (for now) and itā€™s been a nice couple of days. Iā€™m currently sitting in my living room with the window open, enjoying a nice cool morning breeze coming in. Itā€™s nice not to have to turn the air conditioner on as soon as we get up.

I did a lot of writing in my ā€œmobile officeā€ this week and finished the first draft of my upcoming novel, More than a Billionaire, Skylar and Frankyā€™s story! It felt awesome to get to their little happily ever after moment. Now to dig into the edits and really make it good! Iā€™m excited.

This week, we had a giant 10-yard dumpster dropped off in our driveway and spent some time this week emptying our trailer that weā€™ve been adding trash to for a while now and gutting our creepy old basement of a ton of trash thatā€™s been living there for years. It was a ton of hard work, but it felt awesome to get all of that out. We still have lots more purging to do before the trash company comes to pick up the dumpster, but just throwing out stuff weā€™ve been storing for no good reason for so long feels amazing!

It was also a week of healthier eating around here. Tried several recipes from the Instant Loss Cookbook, including the loaded sweet potato pictured above. It was so yum, cooked up in the Instant Pot, so soft, topped with turkey bacon, blueberries, and walnuts, and then you mix up a little syrup for over it with maple syrup, cinnamon, and a tiny bit of almond milk. It was so good. HERE is a link to Brittanyā€™s book, with lots more good healthy recipes for the Instant Pot.

Our weekend ended on a nice note with Jakeā€™s sister and her hubby and their girls doing a drive-by visit on the way home from visiting with the grandparents. šŸ™‚ It was nice to see them and chat for a few minutes.

This week is going to be all about editing on my book and filling up that dumpster. šŸ™‚

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

hello, monday

Welcome to July, my friends! I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend for those here in the U.S. It’s been a good week overall.

Finally, Chloe got back to gymnastics practice. Her coaches set up some outdoor practices at a nearby park, which is allowed here in Michigan since the gyms have not been opened by the governor yet. It was good for her to get back to training. And I got to get back to writing in my “mobile office,” as I like to call it. I’ve written and edited so much of so many of my books in my car over the years while she’s practiced hard at the sport she loves. It’s nice to be back in the writer’s seat. šŸ˜‰

It’s been a very hot week here in Michigan – in the 90s and humid daily – so we’ve been staying inside for the most part. I decided to crack open my Instant Loss Cookbook and try a healthy recipe or two. I made the chicken tortilla soup and it was so good. I’m not one for peppers and onions in my food, but for my husband, who loves those things, I made sure to include everything the recipe called for and I challenged myself to just eat it all, and I did not regret one bite. It wasn’t too spicy, which was good since spicy foods are not my thing and my tummy doesn’t like them. But this was the perfect amount – not too spicy. Jake just added extra seasonings after the fact to spice it up and it was all good. HERE is a link to the recipe if you’re interested.

Watched a few things this week while staying cool. Chloe and I watched the documentary, Athlete A, on Netflix about the sexual abuse that went on within USA Gymnastics for years. It was heartbreaking that this happened to hundreds and hundreds of girls. Was a very well put together documentary worth watching.

Another series we watched was Dark on Netflix. Jake introduced me to this apocalyptic story (German with subtitles) last year. We watched the first two seasons and have been waiting for season 3 (the final season), which came out a week ago. Finished that last night, and the finale was really good. We were pleased with it. We always compare it to Stranger Things and even Lost at times, with all the twists and turns. It was really well done, but it for sure can give you a headache, trying to keep track of all the characters, who is connected to who, etc.

We also watched HAMILTON, of course. Who didn’t? haha! I have to admit, I knew very little about it, except how popular it was. I had only ever heard one of the songs, and I didn’t know anything other than Lin-Manuel Miranda was Alexander Hamilton. And I really enjoyed it. Will definitely be watching again. So many great moments and songs. Especially the forgiveness scene. Those who have seen it will know the exact moment I’m talking about. Such a powerful moment.

Spent some time at my parents’ farm on Friday, celebrating my brother Tim’s birthday. The last birthday we celebrated all together like that was Chloe’s in February. And we’ve only all been over there a couple times in the past four months, so it was good family time.

We had a quiet 4th of July at home, which was nice. Didn’t venture out to any fireworks, but we had plenty of neighbors shooting them off around us.

Felt like getting out of the house yesterday, so I went to my parents’ again and sat on the porch with my mom for a few hours. The weirdest pop-up rain showers came through while we sat there. It was fun to just sit and talk and watch them roll in, downpour, then go away. Cooled us off, too, which was nice. And my dad’s fields needed a drink so that was good too.

I just wanted to end my post today by thanking everyone who prayed for Chloe over the past week. We have felt your prayers as her broken heart begins to heal. It’s hard being a teenager with so many dreams for the future and wanting to grow up so fast. I just want her to slow down and enjoy this stage that she’s in, but I know she won’t. I didn’t when I was her age. Trying to keep listening and giving her the best advice I can, always reminding her that God is where her true happiness will come from.

Have a wonderful week!

hello, monday

This week in the Noorman household had some drastic ups and downs. Started the week on a high note, shopping with my mom for gifts for my cousin Tyler’s fiancĆ©e, Lily, for her bridal shower. We went to Applebee’s for lunch and it was my first time eating out in a restaurant since the quarantine began. It was just us and one couple across the restaurant. So weird.

On Wednesday, we spent the morning at a lovely poppy field, taking Chloe’s senior pictures. (Can’t believe my baby is a senior in high school already!) It was a nice girls day.

Then we had some teenage heartbreak happen, which is so hard. I can remember my mom just sitting beside me on my bed when I had my heart broken, and I can now relate to how she must have been feeling. You want to make it all better for your little girl, but there’s really nothing you can do except offer a shoulder to cry on and words of encouragement and prayer. And that’s what we’ve been doing a lot of this week.

I’m really thankful for her girlfriends, who just kept messaging her, calling her, stopping by to give her hugs and love, some of them spent the night with her just to offer her their support. She is not alone, and I hope she will always remember that she has all of us and she has God to get her through.

Yesterday, my mom and I traveled to Indiana to be with family and celebrate Lily and Tyler’s upcoming wedding at the bridal shower. We got to see my aunts and spend some time with them before the shower, which was so wonderful. Family time is so good for the soul.

In case anyone was wondering about the lovely poppy field. A couple in Fennville, Michigan planted this field in memory of their son, who was in the military and came home with PTSD and took his own life. It’s a lovely tribute to him that brings joy to so many people. I only learned of it this year, but I guess they’ve been doing it for a few years now since his death in 2015. So, if you are ever in Michigan in June, look up Pleasant Hill Farm.

Have a wonderful week!

hello, monday

Welcome to another week, friends. And it’s now OFFICIALLY Summer! Did you do anything fun to welcome in the new season? We stayed cool in the air conditioning for the most part.

I ended up taking no pictures all week until Sunday when we went over to my parents’ house for Father’s Day, so all the photos you see above are from yesterday.

Last week was kind of all over the place as far as emotions go. It started off on not a great note with some tough parenting, and I think that put me in a bit of a funk. Things in writing world didn’t seem to be going very well, and I ended my week just feeling sort of defeated and down. But I have to say that I am very thankful for my little circle of writing friends, who let me vent and commiserated with me for a bit. It’s good to have a few friends like that, the ones who get where you’re coming from and give encouragement.

On Friday evening, after I had finished writing some words on Skylar’s story, I decided to do a little writing on a “just for fun” series of young adult books that I’ve been thinking about writing in the future. It’s not anything I have a set plan for releasing just yet, so without any real deadlines, it will be something I work on when I feel like I need a break from other projects. So I started writing the first book and got half of the first chapter written, and it felt really good. Kind of therapeutic. Definitely something I’m going to continue doing. šŸ™‚

As I mentioned, we went over to my parents’ on Sunday to celebrate Father’s Day. It was a hot day, but there was such a nice breeze. We all sat outside on the porch and had some dessert and ice cream and talked. Zach brought his guitar and played some tunes for us, and then he spent a little time teaching Chloe how to play. Also, my mom let me plant some bonsai tree seeds. My brothers planted a couple and have been watching them sprout. It will be fun (hopefully, it sprouts). I already feel like Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid. hehe!

Last night, we got some takeout and watched the movie Knives Out (on Amazon Prime video right now). A little mystery/comedy. If you haven’t seen it yet, it was a fun one.

I shared this last Monday on my FB. It’s a favorite quote of mine from Anne of Green Gables that came to mind and felt very appropriate after our blah start to the week. Hope it encourages you as it did me.