hello, monday

This week in the Noorman household had some drastic ups and downs. Started the week on a high note, shopping with my mom for gifts for my cousin Tyler’s fiancĂ©e, Lily, for her bridal shower. We went to Applebee’s for lunch and it was my first time eating out in a restaurant since the quarantine began. It was just us and one couple across the restaurant. So weird.

On Wednesday, we spent the morning at a lovely poppy field, taking Chloe’s senior pictures. (Can’t believe my baby is a senior in high school already!) It was a nice girls day.

Then we had some teenage heartbreak happen, which is so hard. I can remember my mom just sitting beside me on my bed when I had my heart broken, and I can now relate to how she must have been feeling. You want to make it all better for your little girl, but there’s really nothing you can do except offer a shoulder to cry on and words of encouragement and prayer. And that’s what we’ve been doing a lot of this week.

I’m really thankful for her girlfriends, who just kept messaging her, calling her, stopping by to give her hugs and love, some of them spent the night with her just to offer her their support. She is not alone, and I hope she will always remember that she has all of us and she has God to get her through.

Yesterday, my mom and I traveled to Indiana to be with family and celebrate Lily and Tyler’s upcoming wedding at the bridal shower. We got to see my aunts and spend some time with them before the shower, which was so wonderful. Family time is so good for the soul.

In case anyone was wondering about the lovely poppy field. A couple in Fennville, Michigan planted this field in memory of their son, who was in the military and came home with PTSD and took his own life. It’s a lovely tribute to him that brings joy to so many people. I only learned of it this year, but I guess they’ve been doing it for a few years now since his death in 2015. So, if you are ever in Michigan in June, look up Pleasant Hill Farm.

Have a wonderful week!