the Schultz family

Do you like book series that follow families?

I think family series are my favorite kind of romance novels. I love getting to know the characters, their parents and grandparents and friends, following them as they fall in love, then building on their story in the background of subsequent books so you can see what’s happening with them even though the story is no longer about them. Love that. And there’s often potential to continue a series with other side characters or write a spin-off series, which always makes me happy because I can live in their world a little longer.

By this time next year, I will have the entire Schultz family series (officially entitled: A Billionaire for Every Season) completed! This series came to be as many of my story ideas have … during a drive to pick my daughter up somewhere. I love to drive. It’s always my time to think or listen to music or brainstorm my stories. When I got home that day, I started an idea file, named all the characters, came up with the basics of their stories. It was so fun how quickly it all came together. I had been thinking about trying my hand at a billionaire romance, but I wanted to focus on a wealthy family with a few siblings, not just a singular character who was rich, and each sibling would get their own book and find their forever love. And I have come to love the Schultzes so much as I’ve written these stories.

I get to hang out with them on the page for a while longer, but it’s going to be sad when I finish the final book next summer.

CLICK HERE to get to the series page and learn more about Sebastian, Gus, and Skylar and their best friend Adelia.

The first two books are available now for sale and in Kindle Unlimited, and the last two are up for preorder at a discount.

Happy reading!