Family Fiction Magazine | May 2015 interview

Last month, I was contacted by Family Fiction magazine for an interview about my young adult novel, The Truth About Drew, which came out last year. I was surprised, nervous, excited, giddy, elated. It was a very good day around here.

I discovered Family Fiction sometime last year when I went browsing around the internet looking for other YA Christian authors and websites. Their website was one of the first I stumbled upon. I clicked through many author pages, browsed their books and features and book trailers, and I thought how cool would it be to have my name next to all of these authors someday.

So when they contacted me, at first I didn’t think it was the same site I was so fond of. I had to check the email several times. But when I clicked the link at the bottom under the editor’s name and it took me to the familiar website, I knew it was real.

I responded right away to let the editor know I was in!

Not only would I be interviewed for their May issue of Family Fiction Edge, an online magazine, which features books in the suspense, speculative and young adult genres, but I would have my very own profile set up on their page. And that little thought I’d had about being listed among all those talented authors … well, it came true!

Sometimes I am so overwhelmed by how good God is to me. It can be the most discouraging day and something like this will happen that just knocks my socks off. So unexpected. But I know God’s got it all worked out. He knows how hard I worked on “Drew” and how much it has touched people’s hearts. I can only pray that this will allow the book to make its way to more readers.

I’m so completely honored to be in this issue of the magazine and to be featured alongside Rachelle DekkerDr. Richard L. MabryColleen Coble and Amanda G. Stevens. So fun to see my name on the cover and to see the finished article.

CLICK HERE to view a PDF of just my article.

Haven’t read The Truth About Drew yet? It’s available HERE!