hello, monday

Welcome to another week, friends. And it’s now OFFICIALLY Summer! Did you do anything fun to welcome in the new season? We stayed cool in the air conditioning for the most part.

I ended up taking no pictures all week until Sunday when we went over to my parents’ house for Father’s Day, so all the photos you see above are from yesterday.

Last week was kind of all over the place as far as emotions go. It started off on not a great note with some tough parenting, and I think that put me in a bit of a funk. Things in writing world didn’t seem to be going very well, and I ended my week just feeling sort of defeated and down. But I have to say that I am very thankful for my little circle of writing friends, who let me vent and commiserated with me for a bit. It’s good to have a few friends like that, the ones who get where you’re coming from and give encouragement.

On Friday evening, after I had finished writing some words on Skylar’s story, I decided to do a little writing on a “just for fun” series of young adult books that I’ve been thinking about writing in the future. It’s not anything I have a set plan for releasing just yet, so without any real deadlines, it will be something I work on when I feel like I need a break from other projects. So I started writing the first book and got half of the first chapter written, and it felt really good. Kind of therapeutic. Definitely something I’m going to continue doing. 🙂

As I mentioned, we went over to my parents’ on Sunday to celebrate Father’s Day. It was a hot day, but there was such a nice breeze. We all sat outside on the porch and had some dessert and ice cream and talked. Zach brought his guitar and played some tunes for us, and then he spent a little time teaching Chloe how to play. Also, my mom let me plant some bonsai tree seeds. My brothers planted a couple and have been watching them sprout. It will be fun (hopefully, it sprouts). I already feel like Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid. hehe!

Last night, we got some takeout and watched the movie Knives Out (on Amazon Prime video right now). A little mystery/comedy. If you haven’t seen it yet, it was a fun one.

I shared this last Monday on my FB. It’s a favorite quote of mine from Anne of Green Gables that came to mind and felt very appropriate after our blah start to the week. Hope it encourages you as it did me.