hello, monday

Welcome to a new week, friends. Are you ready for it? I would say this past week was uneventful yet productive. Got a lot done—both workwise and around the house—and that’s always a good feeling, but nothing major going on, really. Hasn’t that been the story for the past three months, though. 😉

Had some nice walks with my mom most mornings of the week. We’ve been at this new habit for the past few weeks, and it feels good to get out and begin our day that way. We’re up to 2.2 miles daily. A pretty good start. We even met a little “friend” along our walk one day. (bottom left)

My lovely peonies (bottom middle) got busted down by some storms we had mid-week so I had to cut them off and bring them inside (that’s an oversized coffee mug for the vase, by the way.) 😉 Enjoyed having those on display for a few days. They come and go so fast every season, but I just love them so much.

One thing that is really cool to look at but not so cool for allergies is the fluff falling from the cottonwood trees. (bottom right) There was so much of it coming down that it almost looked like snow falling around me. Had to stop and take a quick picture of it settled along the sidewalk like a fluffy white border.

Our Saturday was spent removing our old mattress and cleaning up all the dust bunnies that had collected underneath (yuck!) in preparation for our new “mattress in a box.” Have any of you ever had experience with one of these? I did a bunch of research ahead of time on companies that offer their mattresses this way, and I was a little worried about ordering a mattress that we didn’t try out first. But in the end, we went with Brooklyn Bedding, and it is AWESOME! (top right) We ordered their medium firmness option in the signature hybrid, which has these little tiny pocket coils along with memory foam and all sorts of layers of comfort goodness. Plus, it was super fun to unroll it, break the plastic open, and watch it expand from its flattened, vacuum sealed form to its normal size. 🙂

Is it weird that I’m so happy about a mattress? It was way past time for a replacement, and my hubby (who was having back issues from the old mattress) is already sleeping better and waking up less achy. Yay!

This week, I have another FREEBIE for you. The first TWO BOOKS in my Cornerstone Series are FREE through Friday, June 19th. These two books go together and should be read in order as Hello, Forever is the sequel to Goodbye, Magnolia, picking up with Maggie and Simon from the end of the first book.

Here are the links to each of the books for you:

Goodbye, Magnolia
Hello, Forever

Happy reading!