the last days of summer

It’s always hard for me to keep up online during the summer months. I’m sure it’s the same for a lot of you, busy with summer things. And with all that’s going on in the world right now, it’s healthier for me and my sanity to stay away sometimes and just focus on family, friends, and writing my books. And that’s what I’ve been doing the past couple weeks. I’ve chosen not to worry about missing a couple blog posts and newsletters to give my brain some time to rest and let me breathe and reset a little. I’ve relaxed around the house, finished watching Jane the Virgin for the second time through, stayed up late with my family to watch the Perseid meteor shower, went to the beach with my bestie, went school shopping with Mom and the kids, took some gymnastics senior pictures of our girl, worked on my upcoming book, and didn’t worry about all the posts I hadn’t shared.

I often put a lot of pressure on myself to do things the way I think they’re supposed to be done based on what I see other people doing, and right now, I’m really wanting to just be me and do things my way. And I think that’s okay. I think it’s better than ok, really.

I’ve found that I definitely have seasons where I want to share a lot and seasons where my attention is elsewhere. And I appreciate you following along with me through all of them. 🙂

We’re coming up on the start of school for both our high school senior and our college junior. It’s going to be a strange school year, for sure, and I’m hoping and praying for the best. In the meantime, I’ll soak up the last days of summer while I start to feel the excitement stirring for fall, my favorite season of them all.