erinn + kevin • engagement | hastings michigan engagement photographer

This is my good friend, Erinn, and her new fiancé. They recently got engaged and I couldn’t be happier for them. We went out to dinner with them and talked wedding 🙂 and Kevin is really cool. So fun and easy to talk to. These two are always laughing together. They are a perfect fit! Easy to see God made them for each other.

[ this one is so very sweet ]

[ a walk in the park. the colors were just starting to hit their peak ]

Congratulations, my friends! Can’t wait for the wedding next June. 🙂

CLICK HERE for a little GUESTBOOK ALBUM I made for them.


  1. christy Kennedy said . . .

    I love that album! What a great idea. Those pics are great. Great job as always!

    Posted November 1, 2006 at 5:34 pm | Permalink
  2. Linda Rennells said . . .

    Thanks for doing the site. It is great to see a phot of you together since we have never met Erinn. Erinn, we have prayed for Kevin since he was a bold, red headed five year old at our door with his Lone Ranger outfit.Glad to see his one ranger days will soon be over! Congratulations to you both and many blessings on your wedding day and in the years ahead.

    Posted April 19, 2007 at 8:11 pm | Permalink

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