erinn + kevin • rehearsal dinner – 6.15.07 | hamilton michigan event photographer

Tonight was Erinn and Kevin’s rehearsal dinner and it was full of lots of love and laughter. Here are a few moments from the night:

[ Dinner at the Trestle Stop in Hamilton ]

[ friends and family shared words of love and funny stories about the couple. lots of laughter and a few tears. ]

[ that’s my hubby telling the story of the first time we met Kevin ]

[ kevin is so sweet with Erinn. 🙂 ]

[ had to get a shot of me and the bride. love this girl. ]

So excited for the wedding tomorrow!!!

One Comment

  1. christa Wetzel said . . .

    Oops – so I meant to comment on this event! You captured this night so well!!!

    Posted June 18, 2007 at 8:25 am | Permalink

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