Category Archives: personal

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shutterfly feature

Look what popped up on my Google Alerts today! One of the editors from Shutterfly contacted me a few months ago. They had seen my Year In Review album that I made for mom last year in their gallery and wanted to feature it on their site. I thought it would just be a picture […]

rachel’s baby shower

Rachel’s Baby Shower, Zeeland, MI. Rachel is so beautiful pregnant. So cute with her little baby belly. It was so great to see her family and spend the afternoon with them on Sunday celebrating the little boy who’ll be arriving in a month. I’m sure I’ll soon have pictures of the little one to share. […]

CHA 2008

Spent last weekend in Chicago with some of my scrapbooking friends from the Heather Ann Designs design team. It was my first time meeting these girls and they were just as I thought they would be. So nice and genuine and as in love with telling our stories through photography and scrapbooking as I am. […]

outta here again!

I’m gone a lot this month, huh? I leave tomorrow for CHICAGO!!!! Meeting up with some friends there for a few days! I will be back Monday. If you need to reach me while I’m gone, please email me or leave me a voicemail at 616.822.7586. I promise to share some pictures of my recent […]

happy 4th of July. I’m outta here!

I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July. I’m off for a few days with the girls to recuperate from my busy May/June, but I will return to work on July 10th. Please feel free to email me or call 616.822.7586 and leave a voicemail while I’m gone. I’ll get back to you […]

florida 2008

As promised, I posted a bunch of pictures from our family vacation to Florida over on my Flickr page. We had so much fun! Our first big family vacation! I took many more pictures than I shared, but I’ll be working on a little vacation album soon, so I’ll share that when it’s finished, too. […]

the happiest place on earth

Did you miss me? I spent the past week in sunny Florida with my family. We took the kids to Disney for the first time and they loved it! It will take me a few days to recuperate and get caught up on things. I’ll be sharing some pictures from our trip, of course, as […]

what’s in a name?

a picture’s worth photography To me, pictures are one of the most important things in my life. I’ve had a camera since I was about ten years old, I think, and I have books and books full of pictures from elementary school through high school and college and onto marriage, travel and my kiddos. My […]

easter • my kiddos

Every year, Zach and Chloe help their grandma color eggs and frost cookies. They have so much fun with her. It’s become a tradition ever since Zach was old enough to help. We braved the blizzard on Friday and headed over to keep our annual egg coloring/cookie frosting extravaganza! 😀 We also get together on […]

a day in chicago

As I mentioned a few days ago, Jake and I took a trip to Chicago this past weekend to take pictures for Christina and Alex of their new baby girl (see the post a couple down with pictures of baby Eva) and we stayed for the day to explore the city. We took tons of […]