a work in progress

Facebook is a great place to connect with friends and, for authors, it’s a great place to connect with readers. I’ve had an author page on FB for several years – maybe you already follow me there – but the ways FB chooses to show our business pages keeps changing and now it’s even harder to get people who like that page to see my posts. So if you aren’t seeing my posts, how are we going to connect? Ugh.

I’ve heard that a better way to connect there is to have a group connected to my author page, and I’ve actually been thinking about having a private group where I share things first – cover reveals, snippets of what I’m writing, what I’m working on, new releases, etc. for a while now. So I went for it. THE GROUP IS NOW LIVE and I’d love for you to join me there.

When considering a name for the group, I brainstormed several but kept coming back to “a work in progress”, because it perfectly describes not only the books I’m working on but me. Especially at this moment when I’ve been focusing so much on my spiritual life and having more quiet time with God. I am a constant work in progress, and I’ll probably share some of that journey with you all in that group as well.

So if you enjoy my books, come on over and join the group HERE. If you haven’t read any of my books yet but would like to, join the group and you’ll get a free book to get you started. 🙂